
The harmful effects of coffee after a meal high in fat

Les effets nocifs du café après un repas riche en gras

Take a coffee a few hours after a meal high in saturated fat would, in a healthy person to maintain the high blood glucose at a level comparable to that of a person at risk of suffering from diabetes , according to a small Canadian study.

"Our results show that caffeine consumed after a meal high in saturated fats creates an insulin resistance in healthy persons similar to that seen in pre-diabetes," explains Marie-Soleil Beaudoin interview, Principal author of the study.

"Moreover, this resistance can take many hours. The prolonged presence of glucose in the blood is not healthy and it can influence the functioning of organs, "says the researcher.

The study, conducted among 11 men aged 20 to 30 years, reveals that if the blood glucose level of a healthy person increases after eating a meal high in saturated fat, the rate rises arrow when it is combined with caffeine from coffee.

The participants drank a special drink made ​​entirely of lipids in order to isolate the "greasy." Saturated fat content equivalent to that found in a hamburger or a cheese milkshake. They then had to drink six hours later, a beverage rich in sugars.

In normal times, we know that consuming sugar is found in the blood as glucose, to be pumped to the muscles through the action of insulin, a protein secreted by the pancreas. The goal here was to check first if the saturated fats interfered in the metabolism of blood glucose.

The researchers found that participants had a blood glucose level 32% higher than men did not take a special drink (control group). Saturated fat would affect the secretion of incretin, a hormone produced by the intestine that plays a role in the secretion of insulin.

The scientists then looked to see what was the effect of caffeine. The participants drank the equivalent of 2 black coffees five hours after taking the drink special. An hour later, they should drink a sweet drink. To the surprise of researchers, the blood glucose level was 65% higher than among men who took no saturated fat, no coffee.

And decaffeinated coffee?

Interestingly, this effect was not observed when participants drank decaffeinated coffee, which confirms the central role of caffeine. Caffeine causes insulin resistance, a risk factor that can lead to type 2 diabetes , by desensitizing the cell receptors to insulin.

Other beverages containing caffeine, such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola, would they have a similar effect to coffee? "These drinks are high in sugars, but less caffeine. The effect could be worse, because the blood glucose level would be higher, "suggests Marie-Soleil Beaudoin.

This study reaffirms the adverse effects that saturated fats can have on health. Moreover, it shows that people at risk of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes should abstain from caffeine.

Maple syrup, a superfood?

Le sirop d'érable, un superaliment?

The maple syrup from Quebec would contain the potential of a superfood, with some molecules having anti-inflammatory and anticancer.

This was affirmed by researchers at the University of Rhode Island, the annual conference of the American Chemical Society (ACS) held recently in Anaheim, California.

Thus, from a sample of 20 liters of maple syrup from Quebec, the researchers identified twenty new active compounds, mainly from the family of polyphenols.

One of these new molecules has even been named after "Quebecol" in honor of the syrup from which it originated .

These new molecules discovered in the maple syrup would be more "active" than those found in blueberries, the researchers said. By cons, their concentration would be 100 times less.

Thus, the only consumption of maple syrup would not derive any benefit from these new compounds on health. Maple syrup does not constitute a superfood by itself, but its extracts could become.

It is estimated that this discovery would create functional foods, or even medication for diabetics or people with colorectal cancer .

A better tolerated sugar of diabetics?

Yves Desjardins

According to Yves Desjardins, professor of plant science at Laval University, the glycemic index of maple syrup is similar to other syrups (corn, agave, Okinawa). "But in people with diabetes, one might think that maple syrup is better tolerated because it contains abscisic acid in large quantities," suggests one who is also a researcher at the Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (INAF) at the same university.

It was Yves Desjardins who discovered the presence of this acid in the syrup. From the same family as the carotenoids, it is also found in many fruits and various seeds ( flax , mustard ) and pulses ( soybean ).

"The abscisic acid contribute to release insulin in the pancreas, to allow the entry of glucose into muscles and thus lowering blood sugar," he says.

He said the concentration of acid in abcsissique maple syrup is such that 60 ml would allow people resistant to insulin to better tolerate the maple syrup, which is nevertheless a 95% sucrose.

"This would explain why a person's blood sugar is more stable when it uses maple syrup instead of another sugar," says Desjardins.

Pycnogenol help treat metabolic syndrome

Le Pycnogenol aiderait à traiter le syndrome métabolique

The Pycnogenol ®, an extract from maritime pine bark rich in antioxidants would be beneficial for people suffering from metabolic syndrome .

It is believed that an Italian researchers conclude that the extract can, in these patients have a protective effect on the kidneys. Metabolic syndrome kidneys subjected to an ordeal when accompanied by blood pressure and high blood sugar. In such a situation, nephropathy (kidney disease) is never far away.

The researchers conducted a clinical trial with 58 patients with metabolic syndrome and showing signs of early clinical disorders rénaux.Tous subjects were treated with an antihypertensive medication (Ramipril ®), but 31 of them took, in addition, 150 mg Pycnogenol ® per day.

After 6 months, patients who were treated at Ramipril ® had reduced by 22% the rate of uric protein, a marker of renal disorders. Among subjects who were also Pycnogenol ®, the reduction of protein levels in urine was more like 53%.

The researchers also observed a reduction in blood pressure significantly greater among patients taking the extract of pine bark. As for fasting, she was also lower in subjects who had taken Pycnogenol.

More surprising still, the body mass index (BMI) of those who took the pine bark was slightly lower than that of patients who took only the Ramipril ®.

According to researchers, the anti-inflammatory effect of pine bark could explain both its beneficial effects on blood pressure and its protective effect against kidney disease. As for its hypoglycemic effects, they would, they say, due to oligo-proanthocyanidins (OPC) antioxidant it contains.

What is metabolic syndrome?

There are metabolic syndrome when three or more of the following risk factors are present:

  • Abdominal obesity (when fat is concentrated around the waist): waist circumference greater than 80 cm (31.5 inches) for women and 94 cm (37 inches) for men 2.
  • High Triglycerides blood: this rate is equal to or greater than 1.7 mmol / l (150 mg / dl).
  • Hypertension: blood pressure greater than or equal to 130 mm Hg mm Hg/85
  • Low HDL cholesterol: less than 1.0 mmol / l (40 mg / dl) in men and 1.3 mmol / l (50 mg / dl) in women.
  • High blood sugar: less than 5.6 mmol / l or 101 mg / dl. It is measured using a fasting blood test.


Persistent sexual dysfunction related to a drug used against baldness

Troubles sexuels persistants liés à un médicament utilisé contre la calvitie 
Loss of libido, erectile dysfunction , difficulty achieving orgasm: men using a drug against hair loss - finasteride - may suffer from a persistent sexual problems.
According to Merck Frosst finasteride which markets under the name Propecia, is already known that about 8% of patients in the use of the drug would be affected by ADRs. However, these sexual disorders are persistent in 1% of users, say the authors of the study.
Scientists have therefore attempted to measure the magnitude of this persistence, involving 71 men aged 21 to 46 years, who were the cons of finasteride baldness (alopecia or).
Initial observations indicate that after making use of the drug for an average of 28 months:
  • 94% of patients had reduced libido;
  • 92% had erectile dysfunction;
  • 92% experienced a decline in excitation;
  • 69% have had problems with orgasm during ejaculation.
On average, these sexual problems were still being felt nearly 3 ½ years (40 months) after stopping the medication.
At least 20% of participants still had symptoms 6 years after ceasing treatment.
The researchers also observed a marked decrease in the frequency of sexual activity before and after the use of finasteride. They went from 26 to 9 times per month, respectively.
In addition, several participants reported suffering from anxiety or depression resulting from sexual dysfunction that afflict them. All said they had experienced a decreased quality of life in intimate relationships.
"The question for many patients is whether they will one day recover their sexual function," say the authors of the study.
Therefore they recommend that doctors who treat baldness or hair loss to fully inform their patients of the risks associated with finasteride.
Finasteride is an antiandrogen drug that is used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostate cancer, as well as loss of hair (or hair loss).

Thirsty? Beware of fruit juices!

Vous avez soif? Méfiez-vous des jus de fruits!
Avoid drinking fruit juices such as water, warns nutritionist Nathalie Jobin, project manager at Extenso, the reference center for human nutrition at the University of Montreal.
A glass of water remains the best choice to quench thirst: water has no sugar, no calories and no additives.
"It's easy to take large portions of liquids and do not realize the amount of calories and sugar that we just swallow a few minutes. This applies to 100% pure juice, and also for fruit drinks and soft drinks, "says Nathalie Jobin.
She recalls that sells bottles of juice in single serving of 400 ml, almost the equivalent of 4 oranges. We never eat 4 oranges, one after another.
"The disadvantage of 100% pure juice is that it contains very little fiber, so there is little satiating compared to fresh fruit, which will take place in the stomach and make fibers, satisfaction and satiety" , says nutritionist.
In addition, fruit juices are 100% pure - made ​​from the pulp or flesh of a fruit - contain sugar naturally present in fruits.
We should therefore try to limit juice to 1 cup per day, 250 ml, and drink the rest of the day, water, tea , herbal tea, sparkling water ...
However, if we take the juice, it is better to take some real juice, because it contains vitamins and minerals not found in the cocktails, for example.
Be careful not to confuse the fruit juice drinks, punches, cocktails or fruit crystals that have sugar added, dyes and artificial flavors. Just check the list of ingredients on the label to be sure.

Soft drinks: Obesity, erosion of tooth enamel and calcium loss

We can not say it enough, soft drinks are made ​​with sugar, dye and calories. Drink a can of soda 355 ml equivalent to eating 8 c. teaspoon sugar in minutes, according to Nathalie Jobin.
This excess heat can cause problems of obesity .
And even if one is tempted to turn to diet drinks that contain little or no calories, these drinks still contribute to maintain a taste for sugar, she believes.
Soft drinks are also acidic and can cause erosion of tooth enamel.
"The problem is that people tend to enjoy longer lives pop. Keeping the muzzle in a constant acidity erodes the enamel of teeth, "says the project manager at Extenso.
"Moreover, she connects all the colas that contain caffeine can contribute to a greater loss of calcium in urine which could have effects on bone. "
This taste for the bubbles can be replaced by mineral water which can add a little fruit juice, as juice cranberry . "You can also put pieces of citrus in our sparkling water or mint leaves, according to our preferences," she says.
And vitamin water? "It is often sweetened with a sweetener. The vitamin water is not necessary. Normally, we fill our intake of minerals and vitamins with food, "says Nathalie Jobin.