
Six exercises to enhance orgasm

Strengthens hips
During the sex thighs and butt are working quite intensively to prepare the muscles for "sex-load". The following exercise  will help:
- Stand straight, feet at the shoulder width, hands on hips. Start slowly rotating your hips in a clockwise direction, describing hip circles. Pay special attention to the breath: during inhales push hips forward and reduce pelvic muscles on exhale. In opposite, relax the muscles and put the hip back. You must perform 10 revolutions in one direction and another 10 in another. Make it every day, eventually increasing the number of repetitions to 20 in each direction.
Predicted results: regularly performing this simple exercise, you will find that your hips become more flexible, easier to rotate and move relative to the partner - that way you provide additional stimulation of the clitoris.
Want more?
Your choice - belly dancing.

Working to balance
Muscles of the body form a kind of corset that covers the spine and ribs, sinking up to the pelvis. They are responsible for any movement and balance. To make the muscles of the trunk to work, perform the following exercise:
Get down, face down on a towel or mat. Lean on bent at the elbows, hands (palms shoulder width apart), tear off the floor like you're pressing. Body weight falls on your toes and forearms. Pull the stomach. Your body is like a thin, straight chord. Fix this position for 10 seconds. Make each day, gradually extending the time delay of up to 30 seconds.
Predicted results: the elastic body muscles provide a comfortable balance in a variety of sexual positions and contribute to the intensity of orgasm.
Want more? Buy fitbol! Even just sitting on it, you'll be forced to use their muscles properly.

Develope flexibility
Flexibility and plasticity - that's the important components of quality sex. Check the level of its flexibility - to do this very simple exercise - stand up straight and try to get the toes with your fingertips without bending their knees. If you encounter difficulties, then you have something to work on. Do the following:
Fall on the floor, leaning on his hands and knees. Uprites hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, knees dilute the width of the hips. Pull the stomach. On inspiration - to lift your buttocks up as high as possible, and bend the spine as possible. Look at the ceiling. Hold this position for several seconds, then exhale and turn the eye down to the floor. Lower your buttocks to the starting position and straighten the spine. Do this exercise 3 times a week for 3 sets at once.
Predicted results: the flexibility of the body affects the depth of penetration of the penis and the level of access to your hot spots - for example, point G.
Want more? Attend special classes on stretching and / or enjoy yoga - yoga breathing techniques are beneficial to force an orgasm.

Toning muscles of the legs and butt
Combine pleasure with enjoyable: bringing the leg muscles in tone, can not only improve sex lives, but also boldly wear short shorts. To achieve this, perform the following exercise: get down on the floor, leaning on their elbows and knees. Uprites hands on the floor shoulder width apart and knees dilute the width of the hips. Straighten your back, gather in the stomach.Fall on your elbows and lift the bent at the knee right leg up, straining the muscles of the buttocks. Drag your toes up as if the ceiling falls on you, but you must keep him on top. Thigh parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Do this exercise every day - 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
Predicted results: some experts sexologists believe that the hamstrings are associated with the pelvic floor muscles - the path to orgasm is shorter.
Want more? "Get on" the bike and go for long bike rides - training the muscles of the legs, you simultaneously strengthen and cardiovascular system.

Strengthen the hands
Strong arm muscles especially useful for those who are not willing to reduce their sex life to a boring missionary position. If your plans posture when standing or woman on top, it is necessary to strengthen his hands. The proposed exercises are unlikely to turn you into a Madonna with the latest pictures, but with systematic implementation, will dispense with the traitorous tremble in his hands on the way to orgasm.
Starting position: Sit on the edge of a chair or bathtub. Arms straight, palms rely on the surface on which you sit. Legs extended in front of him and bent at the knees, feet can not be opened from the floor. Slowly lift your buttocks from the surface, put forward their forwards, so that the body weight fell on his hands, which continue to remain straight. Now also slowly squat, bending your elbows. Ensure that your forearms remained upright, and elbows do not went home in different directions. Stop when your arms form a right angle or you will feel a slight tension in the shoulder joints. Return to starting position. Breathe, sinking down, and inhale, lifting up.
Predicted results: mastering a standing position and the woman on top.
Want more? Dumbbells in your hands!

Adding elasticity to your butt
Tightened buttocks - a perfect occasion to try to posture in which the partner is behind you. Best exercise for the muscles of the buttocks - it's "imaginary chair.
Sit down on an imaginary chair! To do this, push back against the wall, place the thighs parallel to the floor, let the arms hang freely along the body. Stay in this position exactly one minute. Tighten your thighs and buttocks! To get started follow the approaches 5.4 to 1 minute of each 3 times a week.
Predicted results: more rapid achievement of orgasm by the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of hips and buttocks before reaching the peak of pleasure.
Want more? Sign up for a kickboxing or proceed with the implementation of the third exercise in our fitness test - stand up and sit down without using their hands.