
How to survive the abstinence?

Basic instinct for many people - not the one which you may think of. 

It is eating and sleeping - that what is sacred! And without intimacy we can still do well. 

But if the life is good without sex? 

In fact, the idea of ​​sexual abstinence is not new. Celibacy was introduced by the ancient priests, which were able not even to dream of sexual pleasures. In the times of the ancient Indians, celibacy was obligatory for the priestesses, who were regarded as the wives of the god of the sun. And what man would want to compete with God himself! One never knows an hour, is still asleep or sends a drought ...

Sexual abstinence is in vogue? ..

Abstinence from sexual activity is happening now, not only because of religious reasons.
It seems that today there is the world's fashion for abstinence. Anyway, America's slogans, "Forget about sex" now are more popular than "for free love." That's because American politicians have concluded: there is too much sex in the country - and decided to direct the sexual energy of the young generation to a peaceful course. Rather than running the streets with a worried look, its even better than trees are being planted, helping old ladies to bring food home. Proportion of meaning in such a policy is: who will like, if 14-year-old daughter will tell about the pregnancy, and her son-a student will be treated by a venereologist. Americans are so enthusiastically rushed to educate teens that they themselves have forgotten about sex. Polls show that 16% of couples in the U.S. did not have sex for a month, while 7% did not recall the sexual pleasures throughout the year. And, according to abstentions, feel great.
In Europe, there is a similar situation. About 5% of couples deliberately refusefrom intimate life. Moreover, they refuse - and are still proud of their decision! In England, they even  set up the club of married people for whom sexual abstinence is a regular thing. Opponents of the sexual life have arranged something like a competition: Who will last longer. (However, it is unclear who and how is going to check the result?). Some are hoping that with no sex they will be spiritually purer, others - that will live longer, while others simply want to strike the surrounding people with their extravagance. Blue hair now, no surprise, and a navel ring, too. And here is a family man who claims that cross stitching gives him more joy than one orgasm, just in the spotlight.
Refusal from sex became a fad for many athletes. Thanks for a Greek athlete Ikku Tarentskomu: preparing for the Olympics in 444 BC, he forbade his physical love. Meat for wild boars - yes, sex - no. By winning, the athlete is sharing with others his secret. About boars all immediately forgotten, but remembered about abstinence! Some modern followers of Ikka, preparing for the Olympics, refuse to have sex during a year and even more .
Other people deprive themselves of sex, to conceive a child. Until recently, popular theory stated that men needed for some time to forget about sex to increase the chance of conception a baby. Allegedly, during a sex position in the body accumulates as germ cells, they certainly do the trick. However, not all modern doctors agree. For example, Israeli and Australian doctors believe that sexual spermatozoa sperm is qualitatively better in males having sex more oftenly.

Do we need sex?

There are, of course, asexual citizens who do not remember when was the  last time the had a sexual  contact: three or five years ago? As a rule, this applies to people suffering from alcohol addiction - they have a weak sexual constitution and the sex they almost do not need.
For most people regular sexual practice is still needed. After making love, as we are assured by the doctors, the body is being healed much better than with all of the vitamins and nutritional supplements combined. If you avoid sex therapy, you can amass a bunch of health problems. And this concerns both women and men.
Ladies, abstaining from sex, are more prone to depression. In fact, during the sexual intercource,the body rapidly produces endorphins - the hormone of good mood, which at the same time also acts as an analgesic. That is why many women that have no sex are in bad mood and have a migraine. It is believed that 20 minutes of good sex relieves stress better than the hour session of psychotherapy.
Denial of sexuality is fraught with women's diseases. Sexual excitement, not finding out, starts izedat body from the inside: the blood rushes to the genitals and if there is no orgasm, stagnant in the pelvis. Hence adnexitises and other gynecological ailments. Especially difficult it is for middle-aged ladies - recall this is not 65, as many think, and 30 with a little - when female sexuality is at its peak. Young ladies are easier to carry sexual siege - their libido has not really razbuzhdeno.But the owners of strong sexual temperament of any age have hard times: their body requires high-quality sex, and as often as possible. If, however, with intim napryazhenka, a woman becomes irritable and aggressive, throws out his anger on everyone - households, colleagues and neighbors. Like, if I am wrong, and I will not stand on ceremony!
Deficiency of sex can trigger the development of mastitis and other breast diseases. Found that the virgins are ill with breast cancer are more likely than those who live an active sex life. Do supporters of Tantra Yoga is on this score his own theory. They are convinced that women's disease arise from the fact that the women receive less masculine energy. Tantrikas believe that a woman's breast has a positive charge and negative male female sex organs, on the contrary, negative, and male - is positive. During sex there is a double energy magnet, which has good effects on both.
After a long abstinence woman's libido can "sleep", and it may be harder to come to the sexual norm. For example, instead of 15 minutes of foreplay, she will need half an hour, instead of instant alert - many persuasions. Natural lubrication may be insufficient, so you have to use the intimate gel or cream Lubrication. Otherwise, sexual intercourse will be painful.
No less of a problem brings sexy simple men. The older the stronger sex, the more dangerous sexual abstinence. If the 25-30 years it will come in the form of sex for several days, then 40 may need help sexologist, and 60 and does not exclude a violation of potency. Prostatitis, accelerated ejaculation and other male problems are an inevitable consequence of prolonged pauses in sexual activity. However, men rarely voluntarily go to abstinence. If a woman may deliberately keep themselves for the big and pure love, the man does not pursue such goals. Not near a pretty partner? Choose unsympathetic.Unsympathetic, too, no? Then will masturbate.

What do you do when all have the same refrain?

However, few of us who manage to avoid periods of sexual "drought". For example, the husband is away on a long trip. Or suppose you are in an interesting position, and the doctor was strictly forbidden you to sex. Or relative came to stay for a week and stayed for six months - on a cot in your bedroom. Have to arrange a sex strike. How to survive it with minimal losses?
Masturbation, according to physicians, yet does not harm anyone. Of course, this is only a surrogate of intimacy, but that's not all! That's my husband back from the trip, the child will grow up, leave, finally, the relatives, and you will return to full sex. By the way, you can use sexual experience, accumulated during the "novel with me." Examining one's own body, you give the partner more than hints!
If you're disgusted masturbation, find other ways to pamper yourself. Buy a beautiful lingerie, silk sheets. And let the partner does not see you all this erotic splendor - this is, again, temporarily. But you raise your own self-esteem, which in fact quite intimate it is worth.
Give yourself more pleasant emotions. Eat strictly forbidden myself chocolate or banana - these foods trigger the production of endorphins. Sublimation - another surefire way to experience sexual abstinence without loss. Still, Freud observed that sublimation - one of the psychological defense mechanisms. A defense can be different: to write poetry, draw pictures, sing songs - if only you liked. Who knows, maybe the sexual energy, transformed into works, make you world famous?