Winter has passed, came the long-awaited spring. Nature wakes up, and with it, and our bodies. But spring - a time when the need to take care of your health. After all, comes spring avitaminosis. Lack of vitamin in our body leads to weakness, loss of strength, all the while feeling sleepy, falling efficiency. All this leads to frequent colds. In this case, we can recommend a belt made of wool . They have good help in various diseases.
In order to avoid vitamin deficiency should diversify their diet, eat more vegetables, herbs and fruits. Fruits and vegetables should be varied, since all products have their vitamins.
First of all our body does not have enough vitamin C, so you need to have more oranges or sauerkraut. Vitamin A is also considered one of the most important. But you should know that this vitamin alone poorly absorbed in our body, so it must be used together with vitamin E. Vitamin A rich carrots. In order to vitamin A digestion in your body must use carrots with sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil.
Very useful as fruit juices and vegetable juices. If you add a spoonful of honey juice, it will be very good, because honey contains a large amount of useful substances. Large amount of vitamin found in germinated grains of beans, peas and wheat. For the prevention of beriberi can be used shipovnikovy tea as rose is very rich in vitamins such as A, E, C, K, P, B2.