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What diseases are caused by stress?
No wonder there is a saying: "All diseases because of the nerves!" Prolonged stress is able to initiate the mechanism of various autoimmune diseases: diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, which leads to chronic inflammation of the joints, heart aches, multiple sclerosis, lupus, etc. Important fact in the development of these diseases is the water we drink and the air we breathe, and the food we eat. Chronic stress leads to insufficient blood supply to the skin and gastrointestinal tract, the body slows down all metabolic processes, the food is digested slowly, there are problems with the digestive tract, and then there are diseases such as: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, etc. It happens that after eating, we do not notice this.
Stress affects the skin, since a lack of oxygen and nutrients which are carried by the blood. It appears in the form of allergies, acne, nerve itching, premature skin aging (under-nutrition due to narrowing of the capillaries, loss of elasticity of the skin), alopecia (organizmv stress loses zinc - an important element for healthy, beautiful hair).
- Problems in the relationships contribute to stress. For instance, when you're not very happy in your relationships stress will only increase. Therefore, we must first resolve the issues that are causing our difficulties.
- If you are faced with unpleasant circumstances, take a deep breath and count up to 10 before you say or do anything. Make a deliberate pause. This will allow you to deal with stressful situation and not to take impulsive action, to have nothing to regret later.
- If you feel that you can not handle the stress yourself, contact your doctor so that he help you to cope with your problem. After all, prolonged stress interferes with your life, you are unable to work or meet the requirements of normal daily activities.
- The causes of diseases such as neurosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension can be fatigue. If not fully relaxed, the daily fatigue will only accumulate, and this is not a joke! Fatigue leads to functional disorders of the body. Therefore, proper rest is a must. However, a good rest - it's not a rest day on the couch, because laying all day you still do not feel rested. Fatigue can be dealed with moderate exercise. Our body is 40% composed of muscle tissue, which simply needs to move. If you are an employee and dit all day long occupations, it is especially important.
1. Do not hide stress.
Ignoring it - is the most effective way to combat stress, according to experts. Systematic physical exercise will help you to switch from the stress on the motor activity. Negative emotions disappear, if you devote 40-60 minutes for moderate workout. And if you exercise regularly, your body will become stronger and better prepared, the reaction to stressful events will be significantly reduced.
2. Yoga and breathing exercises, relaxation, meditation.
Of course, not many people can perfectly learn yoga, but for yourself you can learn a few asanas. Find a master who will learn the basic principles of this ancient teaching. Experts say that yoga helps you to develop a positive approach to life. You'll see tangible results within a few months of classes. Researchers claim that 90 minutes of yoga 2 times a week combats distraction and depression for 2 months. Yoga has a positive influence on the physical condition, aligns and harmonizes the emotional state, brings calmness and tranquility.
3. Jogging or walking.
Running improves the blood circulation and normalizes the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system. You can even run in the morning, at least in the evening for 20-40 minutes. Morning jogging eliminates the imbalance of increased hormones in the blood, and an evening run helps to relax and relieve tension. No less useful are walks. Studies have shown that 45 minutes of walking a day will strengthen your immune system and the body will be protected from various viruses and bacteria.
4. Exercize positive thinking.
If you continually think about the failures, blaming yourself, you turn your life into a stream of endless stress. Think positively! Internal positive attitude is able to change your appearance and improve your mood! Try the technique of positive second-guessing.
5. Pets
Dog, cat, rabbit, bird, etc. - are fluffy psychotherapists. Sometimes you have a bad mood and playing with pat can improve it. They love you, no matter what, relieve loneliness and depression, return you to the state of mental equilibrium. Scientists have shown that pets help in the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Dogs are the most effective healers: they soothe, protect from pressure spikes, headaches, relieve pain syndrome in neuralgia.
6. Aromatherapy.
Nice bath with 2-3 drops of lavender oil helps to calm the nervous system.
7. Anti-stress diet.
Depression and burnout can occur when the body has accumulated excess free radicals. It is proved that such a trace element like selenium (prevents cancer, heart disease, has anti-inflammatory action is important for normal thyroid function, etc.) is a potential antioxidant that breaks down and removes toxins from the body. The inhabitants of large cities are particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of large quantities of hazardous toksinoviz food, air, which prevent the normal functioning of the body.
For the prevention of depression and excessive nervousness and other diseases, should eat foods rich in selenium: asparagus, zucchini, squash, celery and mushrooms.
8. Treat both body and soul.
Our health problems are in the vital body. What can damage your vital body? Evil thoughts, pride, jealousy, inability to forgive, etc.
There are many more methods and recommendations to get rid of stress. Restoration of health requires time and dedication. Get rid of bad habits, have apropriate rest, adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoid stressful and conflict situations, look at the world with optimism, strengthen your body and do not let stress or illness to win!
Good luck and good health!