I it is good or bad, we can't judge. We can only offer a distraction from the banality and learn some interesting facts about sex.
1. Sex is being enjoyed not only by people, but also by some kinds of apes and dolphins.
2.Specialists in smell argue that the most exciting scent for male part of humanity - is a blend of lavender and pumpkin. Want to impress your beloved one? Arrange an aromatic bath with lavender essential oil and cook for the dinner delicious pumpkin pie.
3.In the ancient Greece man who cheated on his wife was forced to shave all the pubic hair and to insert big radishes into his anus. Now, in the case of adultery, people file for divorce, but in vain.
.. Radish is a more effective method, doesen't it?
4.By the way, now Greeks are having sex more than other nations. So if you do not have sex, go to Greece.
5.Some women may be allergic to semen. Male proteins may cause itching and burning sensations in genitals. But this does not mean that such delicate women can not become pregnant.
6.During the life male produces about 15 liters of semen. Feel some impressive figure?
7.Non-smoking men devote to their sexual lives twice as much attention than the heavy smokers.
9.During ejaculation about 100 million sperm cells is being released. Only 200 of them reach their goals - a female egg. Wins and makes it only the strongest one...
10.An average speed of the ejaculation is about 44 kilometers per hour (it decreases with age).
11. There are as much as 8,000 nerve endings on female clitoris. But on the male penis there are nearly 4000 of them, which is two times less. Maybe that's why the female orgasm is much stronger than men's one?
12.Only 1 percent of all women can reach orgasm from simple weasels in the chest area.Everyone else comes to fondle himself in other places.
13. Don't think that only teenagers are engaged in masturbation. About 70 percent of married women enjoy masturbation and do not hesitate. While more than half of them do not speak about it even to their husbands.
14. Females love to fantasize and dream, not only in anticipation of sex, but also during it. Men prefer to enjoy the moment and not to think about anything.
15. Some women to have increases in sexual desire several times during pregnancy or menstruation.