
Pycnogenol help treat metabolic syndrome

Le Pycnogenol aiderait à traiter le syndrome métabolique

The Pycnogenol ®, an extract from maritime pine bark rich in antioxidants would be beneficial for people suffering from metabolic syndrome .

It is believed that an Italian researchers conclude that the extract can, in these patients have a protective effect on the kidneys. Metabolic syndrome kidneys subjected to an ordeal when accompanied by blood pressure and high blood sugar. In such a situation, nephropathy (kidney disease) is never far away.

The researchers conducted a clinical trial with 58 patients with metabolic syndrome and showing signs of early clinical disorders rénaux.Tous subjects were treated with an antihypertensive medication (Ramipril ®), but 31 of them took, in addition, 150 mg Pycnogenol ® per day.

After 6 months, patients who were treated at Ramipril ® had reduced by 22% the rate of uric protein, a marker of renal disorders. Among subjects who were also Pycnogenol ®, the reduction of protein levels in urine was more like 53%.

The researchers also observed a reduction in blood pressure significantly greater among patients taking the extract of pine bark. As for fasting, she was also lower in subjects who had taken Pycnogenol.

More surprising still, the body mass index (BMI) of those who took the pine bark was slightly lower than that of patients who took only the Ramipril ®.

According to researchers, the anti-inflammatory effect of pine bark could explain both its beneficial effects on blood pressure and its protective effect against kidney disease. As for its hypoglycemic effects, they would, they say, due to oligo-proanthocyanidins (OPC) antioxidant it contains.

What is metabolic syndrome?

There are metabolic syndrome when three or more of the following risk factors are present:

  • Abdominal obesity (when fat is concentrated around the waist): waist circumference greater than 80 cm (31.5 inches) for women and 94 cm (37 inches) for men 2.
  • High Triglycerides blood: this rate is equal to or greater than 1.7 mmol / l (150 mg / dl).
  • Hypertension: blood pressure greater than or equal to 130 mm Hg mm Hg/85
  • Low HDL cholesterol: less than 1.0 mmol / l (40 mg / dl) in men and 1.3 mmol / l (50 mg / dl) in women.
  • High blood sugar: less than 5.6 mmol / l or 101 mg / dl. It is measured using a fasting blood test.