
Pros and cons of oral contraceptives

Probably among the female health problems there are not many topics that lead to such conflicting views - from total elation to total rejection. 

First and foremost, the whole range of emotions related to oral contraceptives, which over the past few decades, was declared as a panacea, and the main enemy of women's health. 

For those who do not know, say that oral contraceptives (OCs) involves hormonal medications (pills) that are used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. They contain, as a rule, 2 hormones - estrogen and progestogen, which suppresses ovulation and receptivity of the uterus for fertilization. The composition of UC funds are monophasic (all tablets in a package of one color), two-phase and three phase. Biphasic hardly used today. But the three-phase (Triregol, Trimersil, Trizeston, Trikvelar) and mono (the rest mass of drugs) have found wider application.
Unlike past years, today in order to use low-dose contraceptive preparations, which contain a small amount of hormones, and that with minimal side effects have maximum effectiveness. These include the latest generation of drugs: Logest, Novinet, Mersilon, Janine. But at the same time there are OC with a slightly higher dose - it is the penultimate generation of drugs, which, incidentally, are most often used is the Russian women for contraceptive purposes: Marvelon, Femoden, Regulon. Drugs with an even greater dose of type Mikrogenona, Regividona, Nanavlona accounts are not cleared, but still used mainly to purely therapeutic purposes in women with specific indications.
To start a reservation, that at the moment with all abundance of UC is still not one that would be a perfect fit every one of us.Each has its advantages and, unfortunately, drawbacks. And to these drugs, in addition to benefits, did not have any harm, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Note that to QA, which is almost one hundred percent protection medium, and remained such, it is necessary that the woman was an organized and do not forget to take them on time. And taking the medication for contraceptive pattern: drink them, since the first day of menstruation, the first cycle of admission within 21 days, followed by a 7-day break. It is believed that such a scheme of the drug, if a woman forgets to take it, a chance to have an unwanted pregnancy is practically reduced to zero.
So, plus the OC is first, their high efficiency and, secondly, - the presence of treatment effect for women with disabilities (with an irregular menstrual cycle, its violation, painful and heavy menstruation no organics), and thirdly, the appointment of competent oral contraceptives reduces the risk of endometrial cancer, breast and ovarian cancers.Therefore, a woman using the OC, has less chance to "earn" these diseases than those who do not take them all.
Reception OC easiest and most convenient to use. It is necessary, as a rule, only during the day and at any time, to drink one tablet of the drug. Just added and recommended taking them to some familiar everyday business for a woman so that she did not forget to take them.
Some tools are OC possess androgen action and is used as a treatment for elevated hair distribution. Such drugs include "Diane-35. But drugs such as Regulon, Novinet, Fimaden, Logest besides the fact that also possess androgen action, is also used to treat acne (unless of course it's not too pronounced).
Convenience OC (this time only monophasic preparations) is also in the fact that they allow you to "predict" the presence and absence of a woman's menstrual period. For example, if the lady is going to leave (a romantic trip or anything else) and this month it month to nothing, in this case, gynecologists prescribe her drug intake in continuous mode, that is, without a seven-day break (both ends provisions 21 a tablet, it begins again to drink first). Abroad is even a kind of rhythm of oral contraceptives as "4 month per year." This is when a woman takes 3 cycles of the drug without interruption, and only then does the 7-day break. Such a system has a right to exist. Everything depends on the attitude towards it of the woman: a lack of menstruation is even like a few other strains.
OC can take even the young girls (it is clear that only those who, despite his young age already are sexually active). Only here to keep in mind that UC can start taking until after 2 or 3 cycles of the past month.
The disadvantages of UC include the fact that they require a very strict organization (after all, is easy to forget they drink). Further, the funds are OK certain price in money terms (as opposed to the calendar method, or an interrupted sexual intercourse), and the higher the level of the drug, so it has a higher price. And sometimes it can be o-ho-ho a high.
And another thing. OC protects against unwanted pregnancy, but does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Therefore, if a woman takes drugs OC, but she had unplanned or casual sex (eg, change of partner), then in any case to prevent ZPPP parallel with UC is better to use a condom.
Still OC in some cases but not all and not always, can have unpleasant side effects - such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, breast engorgement, weight gain. And if all this happens, then at the very beginning the medication, and usually the second or third year taking the drugs, all these effects disappear.
By the way, about the weight gain that excites so many women, think about ways to contraceptives: you should know that drugs are the last level allow for changes in weight, plus / minus 2 kg (Incidentally, there are cases where these drugs on women even lose weight - a lot depends on the individual perception of body and features of metabolism). OC sometimes can increase appetite, so full-bodied should still watch your diet and exercise.
The new generation of UC is suitable for virtually all women - regardless of age, the constitution, the intensity of sexual activity. However, just like when taking any medication, here, of course, there are specific contraindications. Do not make the choice in favor of OK intensive smoking women with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system in severe forms of diabetes, malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system. There are still some nuances: vomiting, use of anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, strong antibiotics significantly reduce the contraceptive effect. This requires the additional protection (eg condoms). It must be known and to consult with your doctor.