If you are going to loose weight it is important not only WHAT you eat, but also WHEN you eat. The ideal break between meals makes nearly three hours. If to eat more often – and the risk of obesity increases. If you eat less often – you may suffer from hunger, delay of metabolism and impetuous desire to have a bite of any fast food.
Non-regular meals – with too long or too short intervals – are enemies of healthy diet and weight loss, because they are the sources of real stress to our organism. Irregular food promotes weight gain that leads:
1. To spontaneous desire to eat any product, usually chocolate, chips, etc.
2. To metabolism delay.
3. To an overeating.
4. To the raised level of a hormone of the cortisol responsible for a set of weight.
5. To hungry pains.
6. Chronic weariness.
7. Irritability, bad mood and depression.
Therefore it is important to try to observe a three-hour interval between mealth. This is a key to healthy diet and easy weight loss. The approximate schedule of meals can have the following look:
7:00 – the First breakfast.
10:00 – the Second breakfast.
13:00 – the Dinner.
16:00 – the Mid-day snack.
19:00 – the Supper.
Breakfast – the most important meal. The breakfast should be rich with proteins; it is possible to include in it, for example, eggs, cottage cheese or other dairy products, turkey sausages. If you can't go without some carbohydrates, include in the breakfast menu fresh fruit or a few muesli. Healthy breakfast – good beginning of the weight loss day:)
The second breakfast should be a light and low-sugar. If you aren't very hungry yet at this time, still try not to pass the second breakfast, but limit yourself to a kefir or juice glass or any fruit.
The dinner should be balanced and needs to include sources of protein (meat, fish or chiken) and a few useful carbohydrates, which are better only in the form of vegetables or grain. A few useful fats from olive oil, nuts or avocados too will benefit your weight loss.
The mid-morning snack can include carbohydrates, it is better only in the form of any fruit, porridge or, at the worst, whole-wheat roll.
The supper, as well as dinner, should be high-grade and well balanced. After a supper there comes so-called «a danger Zone». Meals at this time are determined by only psychological, instead of physiological hunger. Only the desire to cheer up can entail you to the refrigerator. If you intend to loose weight, never eat in «a danger Zone».
Certainly, from this schedule can be – and will be – exceptions, but it will be easier to you to loose weight if try you daily to adhere to the similar schedule. Try to have also near you, especially on the journey or in the working hours, any product which can be eaten quickly, for example, a small bottle of yogurt or a banana for the second breakfast or a mid-morning snack. Such products are friends of healthy diet for easy weight loss.
You can change this schedule and arrange it up to your own graphic, but the interval between food intakes should make all same three hours. Remember only that the earlier you will start to accept food, the better for loosing weight. The early breakfast raises a metabolism and gives to energy on all the day. Last meal should be eaten not later than at 8 pm. If you have a strong feeling of hunger in the late evening or before a dream, it is allowed to drink only a glass of unsweetened kefir or yogurt. Usually it is quite enough of it to satisfy torments present, instead of the hunger caused by the psychological reasons.
One of the basic problems which is often faced be meal schedule, is an occurrence of feeling of hunger between food intakes. Usually it happens, when you have passed the time, have eaten too low-calorie or defective food. Try to include in each meal under the schedule enough albuminous products, grain products and cellulose. Such set will allow you to delay hunger approach for a long time and loose weight easily. Also don't pass meals to "save" calories. It will lead only to failure and overeating and as a result – to a higher quantities of calories, than you would eat without the admission.
If you eat correctly, but still experience hunger between meals, it can be caused by dehydration. Drink more water, thirst very often masks under hunger. Increase, if it is necessary, a daily water consumption to 2 litters.
Create your own healthy diet and loose weight easily and healthy!