I did not understand why her face so much happiness and so much tranquility ... And now I understand. This is when your life is a miracle in some part of another life. When your hand holds a tiny soft soft handle when warm lips to touch your cheek and whisper: "Mother!"
Once went to a pharmacy, do not remember why. I remember that impressed me a conversation between two girls. Apparently, they were preparing to rendezvous and decided to buy them something for protection or not. One phrase has plunged me into a long meditation. She said: "Come on, do not waste money, he buys. And do not buy - nothing, suddenly cost. And will not do well, you know what to do ... must go! "
How so? We are in fact talking about a new life, of human life! How can so easily decide whether it or not, and let things take their course? After all, if not mentally ready or not as circumstances permit, to answer for their actions and always think about the way of protection.
Maybe I am only one, but for me, my family, my child, my future children mean a lot and every child should be wanted and conceived in love. Almost immediately after the birth I went to a gynecologist, and asked me to find suitable means of contraception. I was breast-feeding and the doctor said that while the principle of lactational amenorrhea. But the theory of theory, but in practice many cases. Babes-same age born very often ...
We once met with friends and the conversation turned to contraception. We open up and each shared their experiences. I almost immediately after birth found intrauterine hormonal system and for all time use have never regretted it.
It is a system with a miniature tank. It is a hormone that is released daily into the uterine cavity and the effect on the endometrium. And the impact is very positive.
Someone of her friends did not use a permanent method, someone used a condom, some spermicide. The first option I do not like it because it requires additional manipulation and somehow all the romance disappears.
And for us it is important to keep it, because after birth, both still a little worried. Life since has changed dramatically. We have a new role - parent. Combine it with the role of sex partners - no easy task.
I feed my chest, mucous in my thinned and spermicides cause slight irritation. Besides, they do not give sufficient protection.
Another friend of mine took a mini-pill:
- I'm basically a mini-pill like. They can and nursing drinks. Only the receive mode is very strict.
Here's what I did not really fit - I started working a few hours a day. The rhythm of life has become more intense and drink tablets exactly on time I would forget.
A intrauterine system is placed on 5 years and do not need to think about it every night. If there are no contraindications it can also be set up and nursing, and even those over 40. In addition to all the doctors say its therapeutic effect in a number of gynecological diseases.
Another couple chose a vaginal ring:
- And my husband is protected vaginal ring. Very pleased. And every day pills do not drink, and the hormone locally released.Until all are satisfied.
And I probably would not suit. I have a heightened sensitivity to me, frankly, very uncomfortable to use condoms, tampons during menstruation. So, I think, the presence of the ring into the vagina during intimacy afforded to the discomfort. From the same system I have no discomfort. Threads that descend into the vagina (for them then the system is removed), very soft and does not felt.
It turned out that evening to say mostly I - girlfriend is very interested in the system and a lot of questions to ask. But better than me and qualified answer, of course, specialists.
I can only say that before installing the doctor asked me to pass some tests, did an ultrasound. At the 7 th day after the onset of menstruation has established a system, and said that its term of 5 years, but at any moment intrauterine hormonal system can be removed.
Abilities of fertility is restored in the same month. Simply a function of ovarian hormone has no effect and does not suppress ovulation. Accordingly, as soon as you want to get pregnant again, you should visit a doctor to remove the system and begin to plan.
I have a system worth more than a year. While for me it is the best option. I am confident. I - a mother, I am - a beloved woman, I have a great job and everything goes according to plan.