
How sex affects health?

Sexual function of man is closely connected with the desire, men and women to physical and spiritual unity. At a meeting corresponding with each other sexually partner intimacy becomes a constant demand and a source of pleasure. Of course, sex life - it is an integral part of human culture, which determines all the manifold manifestations of sexual partners. The basic feature of human sexuality, distinguishing it from animals, in conjunction with the start of the instinctive sensual pleasure, deep psychological and spiritual intimacy.

In medical and psychological aspects of sexuality is an important part of the normal life of the whole organism. Universal biological norms of sexual life does not exist. Its intensity, duration, and emotional coloring is very variable and depend on many factors: age, type of sexual constitution, individual to individual, finally, culture. The fact that one is the norm, may be a deviation for the other. So, for people with strong sexual constitution of a typical early-onset, intensity and longer duration of sexual life in patients with weak sexual constitution of sexuality takes place differently and is characterized by different parameters. It is advisable to rely on natural for every human limits and possibilities, and not from complexes about the fact that your sexuality does not reach certain normal ranges.

Human sexual activity depends not only on the constitution, but also on the livelihoods and lifestyles. Long-term sexual excesses, chaotic change of partners are usually satellites common life disharmony. In turn, the duration of sexual dissatisfaction can lead to emotional depression, irritability, depression. Emotional coloring of sexual experiences and the degree of enjoyment and individual and depend on the moral and volitional qualities of personality and her ability to empathize.

Thus, the sex life - is extremely complicated and delicate area of human relations.

One of the variants of sexual norms is the so-called peer norms developed Hamburg sexological institute, which takes into account the six main criteria: the difference of sex, maturity, human, and mutual consent, the desire to achieve mutual satisfaction, the lack of damage to their health and that of others, that is society. In accordance with these criteria, the normal means all forms of sexual activity, sexual behavior and sexual activities that take place between two sexually mature people of the opposite sex that they willingly accepted and are aimed at achieving mutual pleasure, not harm their health and does not violate generally accepted rules of the hostel.

There is a multilateral positive correlation between sexual relationships and health. It is known that the life expectancy of people living in marriage , higher than single or divorced. Most are healthy and viable couples are sexually active, and they look better and feel better, more successful in everyday affairs, and confident.

Sexual relations are beneficial to the respiratory and cardiovascular system activates the heart and blood circulation, improves oxygen supply to all vital organs and systems, increases hemoglobin in the blood. Proved that the death rate from heart disease is inversely proportional to the frequency of orgasms, especially for men of middle age.

Sex one - two times a week to 30% increase of antibodies and significantly stimulate the immune system, being an excellent means of preventing cold-related diseases, including influenza, as well as their treatment in the early stages. In sexually active men are better and faster to heal the wounds and scratches regress manifestations of arthritis and migraine headaches.

Proved that love and sexually active people are much less susceptible to stress and depression due to increased output of prostaglandin active agent, relieves stress.

Men who have sex four or five times a week for at least a third of reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Thus they actively withdrawn from the body concentrating in the formation of sperm carcinogens.

Women who regularly engage in love, does not necessarily go to beauty salons. The fact that their body is sufficiently high level of female sex hormone estrogen, provider of the most beneficial impact on the skin . Sex two or three times a month can improve the complexion, making skin more elastic, and even smooth out fine wrinkles. In addition, estrogen is able to reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevents sudden changes in mood.

Sexual activity - a great tool for the acquisition in good shape. For example, when sexual intercourse three times a week burns so many calories, which is contained in six Big Mac, and for the year of their burns as much as an athlete, having run about 100 km. In addition, physical activity during sexual intercourse contributes to the development of joints and muscles of the pelvis, spine, limbs, rib cage, enhancing their functional mobility. Sex increases the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, which also leads to stronger bones and muscles in men. Health professionals have every right to feel sex surrogate complex diets and exhausting workouts for many trainers.

During an intimate relationship in the body activated by hormones "good mood": dopamine, serotonin, phenylethyl-lamin and norepinephrine. Stimulated by the work of the endocrine glands (pituitary, adrenal, parathyroid, prostate and testicles in men and ovaries in women), strengthens the mechanisms of detoxification, normalization of arterial and intracranial pressure.

Of course, just sex by itself can not make a man completely healthy and happy. Do not forget about physical intimacy and attention to each other's arms and caresses, gentle touch, a compliment and understanding. Scientifically proven that even when you touch a loved one in the body increases production of endorphins - compounds responsible for a good mood. Emotionally pleasant touch and have a mild analgesic (anesthetic) action. No need to be psychic, most importantly - your energy promise, sincere desire to help a loved one who must be passed through your fingers. Touch a loved one reduce the emission of stress hormones, particularly cortisol, stimulate the vagus nerve (stabilizing the heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure). Produces more insulin, which improves digestion of food rich in carbohydrates and fats.

Scientists at Michigan State University conducted the following experiment. They observed the rate of recovery of patients after myocardial infarction. Of the 80 patients for 5-6 days, recovered quickly and were discharged from the clinic to those to whom every day came the wife or husband, tenderly holding their hands and cooing in every way.

Of particular importance signs of mutual love, attention and get in a sexual context. Details are converted to the sexual act in the "Action" reveal the range of new impulses and feelings. Fleeting hug, kiss, light touch makes it clear partner that you love him! Sometimes it is not necessary to bring these weasels to sex, they enhance sexual feelings, and make closer partners, pacifying and vrachuya above all your soul.

Another important detail - compliments. Pompously uttered on a particular occasion or spoken casually, just as they set up on the person close to you love-erotic wave, causing a reciprocal positive emotional response. For example, a man who regularly hears from his beloved, that he is smart, sexy, handsome, in fact, is beginning to seek to justify the spoken word.

Harmonious sexual relations increase the quality of human life, make a person popular and confident, optimize the psycho-emotional state, as well as contribute to the extension of an active and fulfilling life.