What cold be more important than to have a good memory?
It’s an important topic for people of all ages and professions.
I suggest to your consideration some of the simplest and most effective ways to improve memory, which I could recall:
1. Good dream is the best medicine
If you have appointment for an important meeting the next day or a presentation do not try to spend all the night repeating material. A good sleep is better than enough. According to research made by American scientists, brain needs at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep to get refreshed. During these hours brain has time to process and organize all the information received during the day-time, so that you could look nice and structure your thoughts accordingly.
2. Crossword puzzles and charades
Do you think that solving a crossword is a waste of time? Not exactly! Simple games such as "cities" or "Scrabble" are good ways to improve memory at any age.
3.Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean diet, based on vegetable salad with olive oil and meat steaks with red wine reduces the risk of memory disorders in adulthood by 40% (!). So do not limit yourself in the delicious Italian, Spanish and Greek dishes.
4. Control your breathing
In most cases we can not store new information just because we have no ready space in our mind. Sometimes we demand from our memory too much during a short period of time. In this case, breathing and relaxation techniques can help us. Good advice is given by the president of the New York organization of memory training: "If you love yoga, engaged in it as often as possible. If not - just a Walk in the evenings at the park, breathing deeply and calmly. It is important that breathing was right: inhales and exhales should be long. " By the way, people remember new information much better when relaxed. So learn to relax! J
5. Eat blueberry
These useful dark-blue berries will keep your mind from overstating. This is especially important if you need high level of concentration at work. According to scientists, the whole thing is in anthocyanin - antioxidant that give blueberries its bright color. It improves the communication of brain neurons, and is responsible for the adequacy of memory.
6. Eat Nuts
A handful of walnuts every day can help you avoid problems with memory. Polyphenols and fatty acids in their composition can activate the brain. Just be careful: Nuts are high in calories. 10 pieces contain as many calories as 50 grams of meat or a tablespoon of olive oil. By the way, olive oil stimulates the brain very well.
7. Useful stress
According to U.S. experts, short-term stressful situation only boosts the process of remembering and improves memory. The secret is in the hormone cortisol, which controls thinking. So, energetic meeting in the office with your boss will only benefit you.
8. Drink milk
Oxford scientists argue that milk is good for brain function and memory. The whole point is that milk contains many amino acids and vitamins, among which are especially valuable B12, known as "Memory vitamin”. This cocktail of mineral components prevents the development of mental problems that appear with age.
9. Word associations
Associative thinking – is a very important part of the development of human memory. Russian scientists have found that children who have developed an associative thinking memorize thing in school more easily than their classmates. For adults, there is an entire system of associative memory training – mnemonics. It allows you to storeenormous amount of events and figures with the help of associations.
10.Write down your thoughts
Even if written information will not be postponed in the head from the first time, you’ll probably will recall at least a crib.
Good luck!