
How character affects sexual behavior?

Influence of the nature of sex has been scientifically proven. Our sexual behavior is dependent on the distinct traits of our character.
Psychologists distinguish several bright psycho and their characteristics that affect our intimate life.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them: suddenly yy recognize yourself or your partner.

Hysteroid or demonstrative type. For people who belong to this type, characterized by narcissism, they constantly demand attention, admiration. These people put their self in the first place. Externally bright emotional, they nonetheless. not able to experience a strong, deep feelings. Having sex, such people admire him, and headed a corner - only your own pleasure.
People hyperintimate type sociable, flexible. They are characterized by excessive self-reliance and frequent good mood. They love the noisy companies, which tend to be leaders. Gipertimiki hardly endure strict discipline, deny a strict regime. In such situations, become irritable, violent, conflict. In sex occupy a dominant position, require a large commitment from a partner. Like when their abilities admire.
Asthenoneurotic type - this is extreme tiredness and irritability. Astenonevrotiki show increased attention to their health, even when they feel fine. For such people there is a predisposition to neurotic and sexual disorders. They are insecure, embarrassed and intimate partners. Men, when confronted with changes in their sexual lives, have complex failure in sex.
Sensitive type of inherent timidity and shyness. People of this type are very impressionable, easily offended, sometimes suffer from an inferiority complex.In unfamiliar surroundings, such people are shy, they are not easy to communicate with outsiders. Familiarity with one's own body in his youth, masturbation is perceived by people as something abnormal, obscene. People sensitive type difficult to communicate with the opposite sex and, moreover, to enter into an intimate relationship. Understanding partner is able to smooth out the brightly-marked sensitive features. In other cases these traits, in contrast, aggravated, causing long-term isolation.
People psihoastenicheskogo indecisive type, prone to endless arguments, fear the future, worried about him. These people are not confident in themselves and their sexual attractiveness. Consider masturbation a dirty even conscious age. Feel free to not only sex, but just exploring the potential partner. In psihoastenikov sexual dysfunction can occur at the slightest failure: inhibition of sexual arousal and orgasm in women, neurosis expectations of failure in men.
Epileptoid or excitable type is biased to a bleak mood. Such people will quickly go out of ourselves and loved to pluck the evil upon other people. Thoroughness of thinking and inertia of emotions - that is their distinguishing features. In private life they are meticulous and pedantic, in communion with others - vindictive and compromises. They are painfully jealous. Sexual attraction they are unhappy, but rather annoying. For fear of "catching" something sexual lives begin later adopted by the notional norm in society. Sometimes representatives of this type are prone to sexual aggression. During sex can be sadistic or masochistic tendencies, they tend to addiction to sexual perversion.
Unstable type - these are people who prefer fun and entertainment studies and work. In the performance of duties, they limp.In leisure time the same - active. Show no strong feelings for families. Sex for them - just a game, they do not attach importance to this process as an important part of relations between a man and a woman.
Emotionally labile type - people mood. This type is characterized by constant changes of mood, which can provoke even the most insignificant cause. Under the authority of the mood of everything: performance, sociability, appetite, and even mood. In fact, representatives of this type can have strong, deep, sincere feelings of the people who respond to them in return. Personal life for a long time confined to flirting and courtship. The main problem of the stability of relationships with emotionally labile type is the ability and willingness to adapt to his partner's mood swings.
People infantile-dependent type (mostly men), even in adulthood independent of the mother, her opinions, her desires. In regard to the proximity with the opposite sex, it is non-self, lack of initiative. These people are weak and pamper, they always want to love and approval of the mother (the oppressive and often lonely woman). Sex in the life of infantile-dependent people plays a minor role. As a result, many men of this type remain bachelors or go to the close relationship only when the initiative is completely in the hands of women. As sexual partners and mates tend to be older women with worldly and sexual experience. In marriage, would feel comfortable if their wives can not satisfy their need for maternal nurturance, care, tenderness.
Schizoid type is quite rare. Such people are closed, closed off from others, excluded from what is happening around them.They are either unwilling or unable to establish full contact with other people. External asexuality and even contempt for matters of sex is often combined with a constant masturbation and complex erotic fantasies, which, due to lack of connections with others, and long remained the major sexual experiences of such people, leading them ever further from the real sex life.