
Whole grain cereals: a protective effect against hypertension

Eating whole grain cereal for breakfast would reduce the risk of hypertension , according to a U.S. study.
Researchers examined the eating habits of a cohort of 13 000 doctors for 16 years. At baseline, all participants had normal blood pressure, but more than half of them were hypertensive at the end of follow-up.
The researchers found that those consuming more than seven bowls of whole grains per week had a reduced risk of hypertension by 20% compared to those who do not eat. For consumption from February to June bowls, the risk was reduced by 12%.
"We have no data on the brands or the nature of the grain consumed. But only whole grains are associated with reduced risk of hypertension, refined cereals have no effect, "said Jinesh Kochar, senior author of the study.

The benefits of fiber

According to him, this protective effect is explained by the presence of fiber in cereals. "It has been demonstrated in animals, the fibers can protect against the harmful effects of saturated fats on blood vessels. "An important contribution fiber is also recommended by some anti-hypertension diet , such as the DASH diet.
Consumption of whole grains also reduces the risk of diabetes , according to a study conducted by researchers in 2007. "With more than 7 bowls a week, the risk of diabetes decreased by 40% compared with a low or no consumption," said Jinesh Kochar. However, eating cereal can be beneficial for the cardiovascular system as part of a balanced diet, an exercise regularly and healthy lifestyles.
Les céréales à grains entiers: un effet protecteur contre l'hypertension