
What is safe sex?

The list of infections, sexually transmitted diseases, today has more than three dozen diseases of various nature. 

Some of them are caused by bacteria (syphilis, gonorrhea), others - viruses (herpes, AIDS, genital warts), protozoa (trichomoniasis), fungi (candidiasis). 

During sexual intercourse can be transmitted and parasitic skin disease - scabies, lice. 

Especially intimate life today - the spread of the practice of oral and anal sex.Individuals who prefer oral sex, usually neglected, and condoms do not realize that most genital infections are transmitted by any form of sexual relations. And this way you get and gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis, and syphilis, and herpes and other infections. And in anal sex without a condom is often a urinary tract inflammation, such as caused by E. coli, difficult to treat urethritis.
If STDs are not self-healing, and disappearance of some symptoms of the disease due to the transition to a hidden form.Therefore, the earlier the diagnosis and treatment is started, the better chance to recover and do not get complications such as infertility in both men and women, acute conditions requiring surgical intervention, the possibility of intrauterine infection of the fetus in the womb, violations of pregnancy and childbirth, birth impractical or ill child, and even the death of infected person (such as AIDS or hepatitis).


So, what are the signs by which we can judge that the body is something disadvantaged and it is not due to other than sexual contact?
The first signs of STDs may be discharge from the genital tract, sores, redness, blisters, cracks in the skin or mucosa genital itching or burning during urination or intercourse.
All these manifestations of disadvantage at different infections can occur at different times after infection. Some infections can discover yourself in just a day after exposure, and for other manifestations may need a few months. Most worryingly, many people, especially regarding the newly discovered infections, can in general does not appear, that is leaking is hidden. Such situations are especially insidious, because this media infection remains in the dark and can without malice infect their partners.
If the infection occurs in the vagina (trichomoniasis, candidiasis, impaired vaginal flora: dysbiosis, gardnerellez), then women have profuse discharge. In cases where the inflammatory process occurs predominantly in the canal of the cervix, urethra (herpes, chlamydia, etc.) the patient can not pay attention to the small selection, or there may not be at all. Often a person coexist several infections, which changes the nature of complaints and clinical manifestations.
Only special laboratory tests can detect the presence of any infection, or various combinations thereof. Laboratory diagnosis - the cornerstone of the appointment of adequate treatment. Even if clinical symptoms of the disease is, (say, for example, a person found in a purulent discharge from the genital tract), without any special methods of investigation can not distinguish between, say, the process of gonococcal chlamydial.

Principles of diagnosis of infections, sexually transmitted
  1. Conduct laboratory testing for sexual infections should be the appearance of any rash or the first sign of discomfort in the genital area. And best of all surveyed immediately diagnosed infections today, as under the current epidemiological situation, the probability that it will be a mono (one), the infection does not exceed 25-30%.
  2. Do not take any tests before delivery of drugs. Even one tablet of the antibiotic can n olnostyu change clinical manifestations of infection, reduce the likelihood of identifying the causative agent and, therefore, difficult diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment.
    For example: rapid healing in the acute stage of disease (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia) in the appointment of adequate doses of properly selected antibiotics and other groups of drugs, and self-medication often become a chronic course with lesions of the internal urinary system and the development of complications.
    In these cases, the diagnosis becomes considerably more complicated, the causative agent of infection must be sought are those happen when once a negative laboratory result does not guarantee the absence of a genital infection.
    Such patients need to spend a provocation on the eve of the date of analysis that contribute to the exacerbation of chronic process, the output of the originator from chronic foci of infection and increases the probability of correct diagnosis.
    • Provocations are:
    • food: alcohol intake (beer, vodka) with spicy food - usually used in men
    • Biological: menstruation is a provocation to many infections are prone to chronic. The material on chlamydia-UREA, mycoplasmosis is recommended to take 4-5 days from start of bleeding
    • Drug: sick administered gonovaktsinu or a small dose of pyrogenal (the drug that increases the t o of the body) on the eve of the fence material for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
  3. If you have any complaints and the identification of infection of one's sexual partner should be involved in assessment and treatment of all persons who were with him in sexual contact.
  4. For proper laboratory examination is necessary to withstand a number of conditions (to the fence material, rule storage, transportation, etc.). Only in this case, you can count on the adequacy of laboratory diagnosis.

It is clear that with such a huge variety of pathogens can not recommend any precise scheme of treatment, giving 100% result. But certain principles of therapy still exist. For example, when choosing a drug emphasis on its high efficiency, the convenience for the patient (as little as possible) and well tolerated, since the appearance of adverse drug reactions need to cancel, but it's a waste of time, hope and money. The choice of essential drugs is certainly the case the physician who must consider all factors, such as: different possible combinations of infection in one patient, individual sensitivity to drugs, a possible pathogen resistance to the chosen means of anti Finally, the material possibilities patient.
Any qualified specialist will draw attention to the need for patient examination and treatment of sexual partner: if to forget about all the measures taken to rid the patient of infection may be futile because the patient will receive all back soon.

Preventing infections, sexually transmitted

This, of course, the optimal tactics. Do not get sick at all. Then no one should be treated.
Admittedly the best preventive measure to prevent infections, sexually transmitted diseases is the condom. Should be put on and remove it properly and use it for all kinds of sex, including oral, because it is no less dangerous in terms of infection than anal or vaginal. For example, the manifestations of syphilis in the mouth can be extremely infectious. Through the mouth can be obtained and gonococci, and chlamydia, herpes and many other infections.
If, however, contact occurred (for instance, condom breaks), there are methods of personal prophylaxis, when the genital tract was washed with antiseptic solutions. It must be done in the first 2-4 hours after exposure, otherwise it will be too late.
  1. most infections are sexually transmitted, can not be expressed in outward manifestations;
  2. when changing sexual partners should use barrier contraceptives (condoms);
  3. after each sexual intercourse without a condom is necessary to conduct a full examination to exclude all sexually transmitted infections;
  4. the appearance of any symptoms, urogenital tract or genital skin should immediately consult a doctor and in any case is not self-medicate, as this only hinder the proper and timely diagnosis;
  5. If during sexual contact, immediately or shortly after, there is discomfort (eg, redness, or swelling of the glans penis, the cracks on the foreskin, urethrodynia, pain in the scrotum, the selection of different character from the genital tract, pain, itching, redness, burning, vaginal mucosa, abdominal pain during intercourse, dryness and fissures at the entrance to the vagina), this may be due to the presence of any disease. Therefore it is better to consult a doctor for examination