Expression of loving pleasure in any form, but in intimate relationships especially a lot of useful "bonuses". And men and women sex is essential not only for procreation and pleasure, but also for health. Use a physical manifestation of love to get any benefit, even for well-being, we do not call. But if the facts will become an argument for "extraordinary" intimacy with someone you love, we are very happy for you. After all, a harmonious sexual relationship ...
Relieve stress
The approach of orgasm, our body reacts to a sharp increase in blood levels of the hormone oxytocin - it is three to five times more than usual. It basically stimulates contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus and increases the sensation during sexual release, but "for dessert" yet promotes the production of endorphins, those same, often called "the hormone of happiness." And they relieve stress, elevate mood until light euphoria, relieve pain (including headaches) as well as reduce appetite. Under the same conditions synthesized another regulator of the nervous system - serotonin, which gives us a sense of relaxation, saturation and increases stress. We can say that after an orgasm do not have almost no reason to be nervous.
Get smarter
More precisely, quickly and efficiently solve everyday intellectual challenges. The same oxytocin helps to find creative solutions, and increase serotonin levels, which occurs after the peak of pleasure, stimulate creative and logical thinking. Improve the functioning of the brain as adrenaline and cortisol that accompany intimate process. And this natural "doping" lasts longer and better than any chemical.
Improve health
Orgasm mobilizes the immune system - to such a conclusion led the study, conducted by Swiss doctors. Their American colleagues found that people who have sex once or twice a week, the number of immunoglobulin A is 30 percent higher than in those who engage in them less frequently. These antibodies protect our mucous membranes, that is, the risk of catching an infection is also reduced by one third. Sexual tonic discharge all endocrine glands, including pancreas. The result is increased insulin production, so sex can be considered as prevention of diabetes. And, of course, gynecological and urological diseases - by improving blood supply to the relevant authorities.
Raise self-esteem
You get compelling evidence of its attractiveness and lure. And as in getting rid of the complexes over the exterior of an intimate relationship with a beloved man simply has no equal. No one better than he can not tell you how beautiful you are, and show how desirable. And it will be more than convincing, as already mentioned the hormone oxytocin, a loading dose which we get during sex makes the relationship to other people more sympathetic and can believe the words of the interlocutor.
Promote good sleep
Relaxing and soporific "properties has progesterone, a female hormone, whose amount increases during lovemaking. When its output decreases, and this usually happens before the onset of menstruation, sleep becomes more difficult, and the stress of the day did not go. From now on, keep in mind that the fight against this state are best together.
Trained muscles
Make beautiful
Woman receives from men during sex is not only soft, but biologically active substances prostaglandins. They run the "chain reaction": increase the education of female hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, and they improve the structure of skin, hair and nails. However, for such beauty-effects to make love to without a condom. But the beneficial effect of intimacy has even when it is used - in the female body stands out a whole bunch of hormones that deliver better blood supply to all tissues. Because of this, and the skin becomes more fresh and supple.
Chinese Practice
Oriental healers, as always, have their views on communication of health with sex. Chinese medicine teaches that the body is permeated with energy channels - meridians. The vital force that they carry, can work well for all our bodies. Many outputs of these important channels located on the feet than use the masseurs. But there are no less important in the energy sense, but it inaccessible area of the body - the genitals. Having sex in different positions, a woman can stimulate those areas of vagina, which correspond to certain parts of the body, thus gaining not only fun, but also the most beneficial effect for the organism. Of course, sex does not replace or supersede medical visits and medication. But the regular sessions of such "therapy" also gives the result. Specialists reflexologists are advised to make such a massage is not less than ten minutes each day, two weeks in a row. True, the result will still depend not only on the effort, but also on individual susceptibility - you'll be working with delicate matters. To use it more, try to think about how the organ to which you want to help, and imagine what your breath carries the energy to him.
Problems with blood circulation, dry, pale skin
East recipe woman lies on her back, bent legs and pulling her knees to her chest. The man before her, leaning on his knees and hands. Penetration should be deep (of course, careful to avoid potential discomfort). At the same partner remains stationary, while the woman performs the rotational movement of the pelvis.
Headaches and menstrual pain
East recipe for a man, lying on his back. A woman sits on top, both for the position of "rider", but more leaning to one side, leaning on his elbow. In this position, given the penetration is not very easy, so it should always hold the partner's sexual organ, introducing it only halfway. Movement of the pelvis - the circular.
Diseases of the pancreas, liver, diabetes, sudden feeling of heat (for menopausal processes)
East recipe Lying on your back, the woman kicked hugs partner at his thighs (neither above nor below!). A man rests on his knees and elbows. In this position, the penetration depth is important - from 4 to 6 inches, so I have to first adapt himself. The woman makes the rotational movement of the pelvis, first clockwise, then against.
Nervous system disorders, liver impairment Eastern recipe man lying on his back, the woman is on top, sitting face to him and leaning on his hands. It makes the movement from top to bottom and circular, so as to massage the entire vagina. Tiredness, anxiety, shortness of breath
East recipe for classic missionary position. But to get the effect heals a woman should do the rotational movement of the pelvis - first clockwise, then against.
Pressure is above or below the norm, the lack of vitality
East recipe woman in knee-elbow position, the man behind the knees, holding partner in the thigh. He alternates between light and deep penetration. A woman at this time does slow swinging her hips.
Violations in the kidneys, stomach and digestive system as a whole, genitals
East recipe woman lying on her back, grabs his feet waist partner so that the pelvis was upbeat. Hands she holds him by the hips. A man rests on his knees and hands. Penetration should be no deeper than half the vagina. Female pelvis rotates clockwise and contra.
Swelling, kidney problems and bladder
East recipe man lying on his back, a woman sits on top with his back to him. Penetration must be very shallow, so a partner remains stationary, while the woman herself manages a penis, making it a motion in a circle, first in one direction and then in another.
No, no and no
But of what may turn out for women lack of sex, they go real legend. Most often, how old maid is inevitably transformed into a thick-neurotic shrew with numerous gynecological ailments. Meanwhile, experts argue that abstinence from the disease itself does not arise. It can be a catalyst, but not the cause. It all depends on how you relate to a lack of sex life. Some successful transfer unspent energy into work or hobbies, then they face except exhaustion. And others may get depressed and really sick, although the primary source of ailments would not the body, and soul. Thoughts like "nobody loves me" can poison the existence rather than any harmful chemicals. Of dissatisfaction with himself to depression - one step, and it is treacherous and can be manifested by apathy and bad mood or camouflage for various diseases. Many people know that gastritis and ulcers arise "from the nerves, more precisely, from a long intellectual strain. The same difficulties in personal relationships and sex provoke angina, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, headaches and disorders of appetite: from his complete lack of a constant hunger. After this can happen metabolic and hormonal levels, leading to further complications. To treatment was inconclusive, we must first establish emotional balance, possibly with the help of a psychologist.
But it is worth being afraid of the consequences of the lack of a partner to throw into the arms of the first counter "health". Just it can not solve the problem, and worse. It's not about ethical issues, but the fact that our body - a system sensitive, it can not be fooled. If the feelings for the man, the desire intimacy with him would not be honest, the "bonus system" does not start, and physical contact will not bring the benefits which can count the lovers.