Man wanted third: to love, but without consequences, and chose a condom.
The word "condom" is derived from the Latin praeservo - protect. Hence, they are all called to be protectors: Protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted ailments.
However, they do not do it the same way. Unfortunately, the market is still living a certain number lzheprezervativov and simple cheap low-quality fakes. They are either built on a natural basis (ie, the material used for condoms, for example, lamb intestine) or made non-compliance with technology .
Do not buy these insidious products, lamb and spare yourself - in fact through the pores intestine can penetrate everything from what you are trying to protect themselves, and the condom, manufactured by the simplified or retreat from it - neither of which is not protected!
So what is good and reliable protection?
The most important thing - to choose a condom so that it is not interfering with receiving pleasure, served with high quality and reliable function of protection from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
The fact that everything depends on the physical and mechanical characteristics which are determined by international, European or Russian standards.They have a lot of condoms. As with any commodity, condoms are the parameters - the size (the length and width) and characteristics that define quality.But quality can sometimes take ...
In case of damage or condom breakage, regardless of whether or not ejaculation occurred, the woman must prosprintsevatsya Special offer.
To this end, suitable solutions that are easy to cook at home:
1) boric acid solution: 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water;
2) citric acid (or lemon juice): 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water;
3) 0.5% solution of salicylic acid: 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water.
2) citric acid (or lemon juice): 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water;
3) 0.5% solution of salicylic acid: 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water.
Douche is most conveniently using microclysters, for 3-5 minutes, washing out semen from the vagina in a circular motion. After some time, it is desirable to repeat the procedure.
Resorting to douching, it must be remembered that:
1) the concentration of acids used for the solution, not exceed 0,5-1%;
2) If at the beginning of douching felt a burning sensation, the procedure must cease immediately and dilute the solution with water.
Before the procedure can also try a solution to the taste. It should be slightly acidic, as a more concentrated solution may cause burns of the mucous membrane. Much more efficient to enter into the vagina different spermicides, which are sold in pharmacies.
If the partners are confident that the condom burst after ejaculation has occurred, in this case it is better to use additional methods and means of the so-called "emergency" contraception.