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Each person will give different answer to the question: what sex gives to the person and what for is it necessary. But sex it not only a source of pleasure, the love culmination, it also a medicine... Sex is good for our health!
According to scientists, the more often the man has sex, the higher are one’s chances to become a long-liver and have a good health. Thus life expectancy is influenced much more strongly by sexual activity, than, for example, financial position of the person.
But this is not the only advantage of sex. Researches have proved that regular sex influences health in a positive way:
1. The probability of development of diseases of vessels and heart decreases. According to the researches, for males, having sex three times a week and more often, the probability of a stroke and an infarct decreases practically twice in comparison with other people. (Significant imact on health, don’t you think so?) Sex also can be good "diagnostics agent" of cardiovascular diseases. Difficulties with a penis erection can testify that at the person blood vessels are sick. It can be first sign of a diabetes, a hypertonia and an atherosclerosis.
2. Sense of smell improves. It occurs because after sex activity of a hormone of Prolactinum which stimulates development of neurons, including settling down in the center of sense of smell is enlarged.
3. The mood improves. It is possible to explain this phenomenon not only psychological satisfaction, but also change of the hormonal status of the organism caused by activation of some centers of a brain during sex activity. And our mood oftenly determines our health!
4. The weight decreases. After all, sex is also a physical exercise, at the raised person pulse rate is enlarged with 70 to 150 blows in a minute, and one sexual intercourse burns approximately as much calories, how many 15 minutes of run on a racetrack. Reductions of muscles during employment by sex strengthen muscles of hips, a basin, breeches, arms and a thorax. Also during sexual intercourse in a blood the hormone Testosteron-Depotum which favorably influences a locomotorium is thrown out. Training your body you reach a better health!
5. The probability of cold decreases. In a blood of the people regularly having sex, contains on 30 % of more antibodies, than at supporters of abstention. Hence, they are ill with infectious diseases less often and have a better health.
6. Painful sensitivity decreases. Before an orgasm in a blood of the person the hormone oxytocin is thrown out. Under its action the endorphines possessing powerful soothing action are formed. In women sex activates synthesis of estrogens which suppress the pains bound to a premenstrual syndrome. Sex positively influences women health!
7. The bladder condition improves. Sexual intercourse - magnificent "charging" for muscles of a bladder which prevents development of a cystitis and other diseases.
8. The dental health improves. As scientists have found out, the majority of people before sexual intercourse try to brush teeth that relieves them of too frequent visits to the stomatologist :).
9. The prostate condition improves. It is supposed that by manufacture of a seed liquid from a blood many carcinogenic substances which then are thrown out from an organism together with a semen are taken. Therefore, if the man has sex oftenly, carcinogens haven't time to do much harm to its prostate. And if in sex it limits itself(himself), the probability of development of a cancer of a prostate at it increases almost on 30 %.
It is possible to draw a conclusion that sex is an not only pleasant activity, but also useful and healthy. But it is not necessary to forget that there are the diseases transferred by a sexual way and undesirable pregnancy. Therefore it is not necessary to risk your health in the search of pleasure, swinging from partner to partner.