That only has no effect on sexual temperament rights - personal and psychological characteristics, level of sex hormones in their blood, education received in childhood, and even the food he eats. All this is in general not have mattered if at one point did not reveal that the desire for your partner once you have sex is absolutely not the same as yours. It was then, and there are different issues.
Responds to our resident expert, sexologist Nicholas Olejnik.
"I was very temperamental. Because of this, my boyfriend is afraid to tie me a strong relationship. He said that for women like me, the best "party" - a hot macho. And as such he does not consider himself, and therefore afraid that if I become his wife, then I'll change it to the left and right. Is he right? "
- It is a common male misconception. According to studies, women with unrestrained sexual temperament (who were on the statistics of 7-8%) are not always inclined to change their husbands. A third of them very quickly gets used to the new sexual order and, balancing their desire to partner with the possibilities, quite satisfied with intimacy in marriage. Another third is not ready to immediately accept it, so from time to time all the same "goes to the left." But the ladies do not do it often so that their husbands had no idea about it. Finally, a third category of "hot lady" is indeed constantly cuckolded, and does it sometimes in the open, and husbands have to put up with such humiliation.
So think and see which category is likely to belong to you. If you do not really believe in yourself and the opportunity to be in spite of that, true to his chosen one in a marriage, it is best not to tie the knot Hymen with this partner.
"My husband refuses to condoms and practice, only interrupted intercourse, I'm looking for some, only when I feel his ejaculation. What to do? How do I get get the full enjoyment of intimacy with him? "
- Try to tactfully explain to my husband that this man should not be selfish in intimate relationships. Following the wishes of the partner, he himself will be able to get much more pleasure from sexual intercourse. You also should think about other equally effective means of contraception, except the product number 2. Consult your gynecologist, you may fit intrauterine devices or spermicides. Their use will not dwell on protection during sexual intercourse and maintain sexual health and harmony in your family.
"I heard, though there is some ancient Chinese recipe to stimulate sexuality and sensuality. I would like to know him. "
- The ancient Chinese healers advised to stimulate sexual arousal often is cabbage, radish, eggs, squid, shrimp, chicken and pork. Increase the potency and dandelion leaves. They can be added to salads and even cooking from them a special soup, provoking feelings: cut pieces of 100 g beef, 1 small turnip, 1 carrot, 1 onion. All products fill with water and simmer for 20 minutes. Then add 4 chopped dandelion leaves, boil, add salt, dill, parsley and press half an hour. Yes, our day came and sexologists recommend another recipe for a mixture of the erotic. " Take 100 g of mussels and squid, 100 g pork, 50 g garlic, 100 grams of tomatoes. Boil the ingredients in half a liter of water, then refrigerate. Eat the meal should be 1 time per day for 8-12 days.
"Is it true that the temperament of men and women are due to different causes and mechanism of excitation they too different?"
- Men are more easily excited, because in this process they have engaged all five senses, especially vision. Women are more sensitive to the voice, smell and information drawn from the help of touch. Incidentally, the last half of mankind often unfairly neglected. In addition, the temperament and strength of sexual desire due to the level of male hormone testosterone, while women are often an incentive is not a hormonal surge, and ability to partner and its competent behavior in bed.
"I'm not too impassioned, and the man hard enough to rouse me in bed. But a friend of mine said that the need to eat as much chocolate, which enhances sexual excitability. Is chocolate is so effective? Interest because watching the figure, and I do not want to touch sweet. "
- Well first of all, chocolate improves the physical abilities of a person in a very short period of time. In addition, sexual temperament, he does not have much impact. Better use for this purpose so-called stimulants love, such as spicy aphrodisiac. This - nutmeg, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla and red pepper.